Register Interest Innovation studio



As a University of Plymouth programme, STRIDE has access to a wide range of academic resources enabling the businesses we work to benefit from first  class knowledge, skills and research.

The importance of innovation in business cannot be underestimated, that’s why STRIDE provides valuable university resources which can act as catalyst to accelerate business growth, improve market positioning and increase productivity.

Our fully funded offer includes access to:

  • World class research and innovation expertise
  • Market research and product testing
  • University facilities and assets
  • Specialist consultancy
  • Guidance on IP and prototyping

Research Engagement & Business Officer

Through our relationships with the other academic institutions in Cornwall, our Research Engagement and Business Officer can find the right collaborative pathway to support the businesses we work with. Whether it’s a student project, collaboration on research, the introduction to a KTP Officer or signposting to a specialist facility; we will act on your behalf to get the support you need to make your idea a reality.